Friday, April 16, 2010

Pakistan Simum Question

Where would Zimbabwe stand if the Taliban was gaining control in Pakistan, the government was about to fall, and the government falling would put nuclear weapons into the hands of the Taliban? What if the United States soon sent troops and got involved? Where would Zimbabwe stand? This is a tough call because although the United States and Zimbabwe do not get along, Zimbabwe has a cordial relationship with Pakistan. According to Wikipedia, Pakistan promised to back Zimbabwe by saying, “stand by Zimbabwe in its challenging times and continue to render assistance in every way possible in an effort to cement the already cordial relationship between the two countries.” Zimbabwe would be caught between supporting the United States, something Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s president since 1987, would hate to do, and helping out a country that said it would help them. In the end, I do believe Zimbabwe would support the United States decision to send troops into Pakistan to stabilize the government so that Zimbabwe can have their continued help with the controversial issues that Zimbabwe gets itself into. Zimbabwe does not have very many allies and needs to keep all the good relationships it can get. Also, Zimbabwe can use the experience of helping the United States out as a good way to stay in their good graces and get out of tight spots with the United States at a later date.

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