Friday, March 26, 2010

The Tooth Fairy

One day my friend, his name will be changed to protect the innocent, Bob, wore a tutu-a purple one. It had flowers. At this point, you are questioning my sanity, and I don't blame you, but this is a true story. Now at my old school, St. Paul's in Farmington Hills, every year we had a week that celebrated our school's orientation you might say-Lutheran Schools Week. Lutheran Schools Week was filled with assemblies, some entertaining, some not, and field trips. Wednesdays in this important week celebrated the people who encouraged this education; they were called V.I.P. Days. Now teachers usually planned some big hullabaloo to show off their amazing class, and that year was no different. My teacher, Mrs. Pascual, and young, almost fresh out of school teacher, decided to show off her class' acting abilities in a serious of short plays (I personally do not have that ability.) She divided the class up into five or so groups and each got a different play that they were expected to memorize and provide costumes for. The play I received was about a bunch of fairy tale characters meeting up; I was Sleeping Beauty. My friend Bob's was about a little girl harassing the Tooth fairy for more money. Bob, fearless and ready for any snickers he knew he was going to receive, was the Tooth fairy. One of the girls in his play just happened to be a ballet for many years and had a tutu that would fit him, uncomfortably, but it would fit. His entire ensemble included: jeans, tennis shoes, a basketball jersey (to make sure all of his manliness wasn't completely destroyed), a baseball hat with a paper crown taped on it, and the amazing tutu. On the day of the play, he went into the big storage closet conveniently located in the 5/6 grades classroom and changed into his costume. When he was done crying over the loss of most of his manliness, he came out of the closet, no pun intended.As a friend from my old school said when asked about V.I.P. day in 5th grade, "He was like a mystical fairy... He danced so merrily like deer in a forest... It would have been so beautiful if he wasn't a guy." After the parents got over his hysterical outfit, they soon learned he was fearless and had a great respect for the boy who wore a purple tutu -with flowers-in front of a crowd.

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